Cleaning Sewer Drains in Bloomington, Normal, and Peoria, IL
When most folks think about emergencies, storms and fires often come to mind. However, other dangers can come from your own residence. Sewage backup is a household issue that can have dire consequences if neglected. Even if the liquid spilling out appears safe, standing water invites different kinds of diseases. Instead of risking your health, contact Paul Davis Emergency Services to handle it.
Expert Sewage Removal
The nasty factor isn’t the sole reason to stay away from sewer backup. Large and small overflows can leak gray and black water into your home or even feed disease into your drinking water. The same disease in sewage can spawn in sanitary, but pooling water. Raw sewer water, for instance can contain E. Coli, Leptospirosis and other dangerous pathogens.
If the seepage or backup is starting from the toilet trap or beyond, it might contain black water that has touched raw sewage. Typically black water has stayed static for long enough to foster the growth of pathogens. Lake and river water might also be contaminated by black water. Contact the Paul Davis Emergency specialists now if you have a black water leakage in your home or business.
Bloomington, Normal, and Peoria Sanitation Experts
If you ever see a sewage backup at home, contact Paul Davis Emergency Services. Our experts are highly trained in handling dangerous chemicals. Talk to our Bloomington, Normal, and Peoria, IL branch with any questions you might have. The longer you hesitate to treat water or sewer damage, the more intense the issue will become. Talk to us today!